Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quick Write (Qic Ryt)

Gus Hasslequist has proposed QicRyt as a briefer way to spell in English.
QicRyt often references two sounds (phonemes) with one symbol. However, it
is not as ambiguous in pronunciation as traditional English (TS).

QicRyt (Quick Write) Rules on 1 p.

SB: QR is a positional quasi-phonemic transcription for speed typing, space saving, and texting. There is one associated phoneme per position per letter. So the letter itself can have up to 3 different interpretations: Stand alone, onset, and after a consonant...

There is a code overlap with respect to /A/. it can be a or o
pot is spelled pot which would be /pAt/ in Gen. Amer.
father /fA:D@`/ is spelled fadr. *all is spelled ol (pronounced ahl).

There is a positional code overlap with respect to I and my /aI/ /maI/.
These would never be confused due to positional constraints.
I don't deny he really reeks rye = I dont diny hi ri'li riks ry

A few different letters can have the same sound association: e.g. I and yC and Cy. If the consonant (C) was t: I lyc cyts = (I like kites)

Context can usually sort out the mergers and ambiguities. e.g., Y and wy.
You will never see *wy for *why because the shortest reference is always used.

The vowel assignments are

V short long
a e /E/ e /eI/
e i /i/ i /i:/ I like it very much I lyk it veri mk.
i i /I/ y /aI/
o o /A Q O/ o /oU/ odd spot spa = od spot spa /Qd-Ad spAt spA:/
u u /U/ u /u:/ /ju:/ book boot rebuke buk but ribuk
u ' /V/ u /ju:/ b'c for buck us=ooze or use or ooce or yooce.

There are 14 vowels and only 5 vowel letters.
QR copes with this by reassigning the front vowels and merging the short and long sounds. let = let or late, did = did or deed. od = odd, ahd, awed, ode

a = /{ ae/ /A:/ /@/ at àbout = abwt, spa=spa
a = uh /@/ when alone
e = /E/ or /eI/ elf=elf way=we they=de acorn= ecorn, ábèl=ebl,
i = i: or I wee = wi, very = veri, it=it eat=it
I = /aI/ when alone.
y = why when alone
y = /aI/ /waI/ why or consonant y) flight=flyt icy eyes= 'ysi 'ys
o = A O Q oU all=ol /ôl/ mote = mot /mót/ moth=mot /môth/
u = u or U
' = V or @ abut = 'b't

The moth flew to a remote island 2 spawn.
D mot flu 2 a rimot ylnd 2 spon.

GUS: Qicryt is a way of spelling English, far easier to learn and use than
Traditional Spelling (TS), for the following reasons:
It has 85% phonemicity versus just 65% for TS, even though it’s over
75% similar to TS in usage of symbols, yet it has less than 65% of
TS’s typical word length. After learning the alphabet, numeral and
other keyboard symbol names, and then Qicryt’s rules, illiterates who
know how to speak the language and be generally understood, should be
able to read and write in it within only weeks, as compared with the
many years needed to do so, still not as proficiently, with TS. Qicryt
has less than a single standard (8.5”x11”) page of rules to learn in
contrast to the many thousands of words requiring memorization by TS.
Except for a few words within the rules, there is even no need to know
TS at all. One merely spells the words the simplest/shortest way (per
those rules) they’re spoken. However, Qicryt’s similarity to TS does
enable it some backward compatibility, allowing one to be able to read
much of TS itself. Possibly due at least partially to that similarity
to TS, some adepts of TS have found Qicryt easy to write in and to
read even faster than in TS without completely knowing its rules. As
it’s much shorter in its spelling of individual words than is TS’s,
aside from the resultant benefits to the environment, adepts should be
able to save close to a third of their remaining reading/writing
lifetimes and that monetary value, once they’ve really become
accustomed to its use – that savings alone, the most personally
worthwhile reason for an adept to discard TS in favor of a more
phonemic system. Thus, everyone gains who uses it, and therefore
Qicryt should benefit the whole world on it replacing TS. Try it and
see for yourself – and join the Qicryt bandwagon.!!

The above, written in Qicryt as are the rules following, with a TS
version below those for comparison:

Qicryt is a we v spelq English, far isi’r t lrn & us dan Traditional
Spelling (TS), 4 d foloiq risns:

It hs 85% fonimisiti vs jst 65% 4 TS, ivn do its ovr 75% in simleriti
t TS in simbl usij, yet it hs les dan 65% v TSs tipicl wrd leqt. Aftr
lrnq d alf’bet, numr’l & ‘dr cibord simbl nems, & den Qicryts ruls,
ilitr’ts hu no hw t spic d laqwij & b jenr’li ‘ndrstud, zd b ebl t rid
& ryt in it widin onli wics, as cmperd wid d meni yirs nidd t du so,
stil nt as pr’fizntli, wid TS. Qicryt hs les dan a siql standrd
(8.5”x11”) pej v ruls t lrn in contrast t d meni 1000s v wrds ricwyrq
memrisezn by TS. Xept 4 a fu wrds widin d ruls, dr is ivn no nid t no
TS at ol. 1 mirli spels d wrds d simplst, zortst we (pr dos ruls) der
spokn. Hwevr, Qicryts simleriti t TS ds inebl it sm bacwrd
cmpatbiliti, ‘lwq 1 t b ebl t rid mk v TS itself. Posibli du at list
parzli t dt simleriti t TS, sm ‘depts v TS hv fwnd Qicryt isi t ryt in
& t rid ivn fastr dan in TS widwt cmplitli noiq its ruls. As its mk
zortr in its spelq v indvidul wrds dan is TSs, ‘syd fr’m d ris’ltnt
ben’fits t d invyrmnt, ‘depts zd b ebl t sev clos t a 3rd v dr rimenq
ridq/rytq lyftyms & dt mon’teri valu, 1s dev rili bicm ‘cstmd t its us
- dt sevqs ‘lon, d most prs’nli wrtwyl risn 4 n ‘dept t discard TS in
fevr v a mor fonimic sistm. Ds, evri1 gens hu uss it, & dr4 Qicryt zd
ben’fit d hol wrld on it riplesq TS. Try it & si 4 yrself - & join d
Qicryt bandwagn.!!

Spel swnds spocn in General American (GA) English pr d
simplst/zortst dinotezn usd by d Merriam-Webster (MW) diczneri, pr d
foloiq ruls, do nt 4 propr nems. (*) dinots Traditional Spelling (TS)
‘nlyc Qicryts.

4 dos swnds cnsidrd loq or diftoqs, us:
1a. ‘e’ as in ‘cafe’. 1b. ‘i’ as in ‘taxi’. 1c. ‘i’ also, as in
‘ion’, bt jst inizli bi4 vwls olwes zon, ‘y’ usd ‘drwys as in 'ylm'
(*'ylem') & ‘drys’. 1d. ‘o’ as in ‘go’. 1e. ‘u’ as in ‘tun’ (*’tune’)
& *‘yoo’ swnds as in ‘us’ (*’use’), ends as in ‘nu’ (*’knew’). 1f.
‘oi’ as in ‘boil’. 1g. ‘ow’ as in ‘owl’ if inizl, bt onli ‘w’ elswer
as in ‘acwnt’ (*’account’) & ‘twr’ (*’tower’).

4 dos zort or modifyd by d swnd v ‘r’, us:
2a. ‘a’ as in 'bat' & ‘axnt’ (*‘accent’). 2b. ‘e’ as in ‘bet’, bt
omit it evriwer bi4 ‘x’ as in ‘txt’ (*’text’). 2c. ‘i’ in 'bit', bt
omit it if inizl bi4 ‘x’ (‘xist’ 4 ‘i’ swndq ‘e’ in *‘exist’, do
‘fix’), bt us it bi4 ‘q’ aftr vwls as in ‘goiq’ (*’going’) &
‘distroiiq’ (*’destroying’) do nt aftr vwls ‘w’, ‘y’ (‘bwq’ 4
*’bowing’) or consnnts as in ‘pikq’ (*’picking’) xept ‘w’, ‘y’ (‘wiq’
4 *’wing’) & in ruts (’stiq’ 4 *’sting’). 2d. ‘o’ as in ‘dog’, ‘ol’
(*‘all’), ‘cot’, wid ’a’ at rut ends (‘spa’). 2e. ‘u’ as in 'put' & 4
*‘yur’ swnds as in ‘pur’ (*’pure’). 2f. ‘ar’ as in ‘art’. 2g. ‘er’ 4
d swnds in *‘merry’, *‘marry’ (‘meri’) & *’mare’ (‘mer’). 2h. ‘ir’ as
in ‘hir’ (*’hear’). 2i. ‘or’ as in ‘orb’.

4 dos zwa or *‘uh’ swnds, us:
3a. ‘ (n ‘postr’fi) if n indicezn is nidd t difyn d swnd, as ‘fr’m’ vs
‘frm’ (*’from’ vs *’firm’), wid qotezn marcs usd 4 capitls & brac’ts 4
qotezns. 3b. no simbls if *‘uh’ swnds cn b posibli cnstrud or implyd
widwt dm, as in ‘sstnnss’ (*’sustenances’).


4 dos wid siql simbls & swnds, us:
4a. ‘b’ as in 'bib'; ‘c’ in ‘critic’; ‘f’ in ‘fl’f’ (*'fluff'); ‘g’ in
'gag'; ‘h’ in 'hit'; ‘j’ in ‘jj’ (*'judge'); ‘k’ as in
‘krk’(*’church’); ‘l’ in ‘ll’ (*'lull'); ‘m’ in ‘mm’ (*'mum'); ‘n’ in
‘nn’ (*'nun'); ‘p’ in 'pip'; ‘r’ in ‘rir’ (*'rear'); ‘v’ in ‘valv’

4 dos wid mltipl spelqs &/or swnds, us:
5a. ‘d’ as in 'did' & 4 past tenss as in ‘stopd’ (*’stopped’), & as
*‘th’ in *'then' (‘den’). 5b. ‘q’ as *‘qu’ in *’quick’ (‘qic’) onli
inizli, ‘cw’ usd aftr as in ‘icwip’ (*’equip’), olso ‘q’ 4 *‘ng’, drby
‘siq’ (*'sing'), ’siql’ (*’single’) or ‘am’q’ (*’among’), bt ‘n’ bi4
‘c’, ‘k’, ‘x’ or ‘z’ as in ‘anz’s’ (*‘anxious’). 5c. ‘s’ in 'sets' &
‘is’. 5d. ‘t’ in 'tot' & as *‘th’ in *'thick' (‘tic’). 5e. ‘w’ in
'wed' & 4 *‘wh’ in *'when’ (‘wen’); ‘y’ in ‘yoyo’ olwes inizl in
sil’bls; bot ‘w’ & ‘y’ bi4 vwls olwes zon, as in ‘swiq’ (*’swing’) &
‘mily’n’ (*‘million’), xept 4 ‘w’ if inizl or aftr a vwl in a rut bi4
a cnstru’bl *’uh’ swnd as in ‘wr’ (*’were’), bt us ‘yr’ 4 *’your’.
5f. ‘x’ 4 ‘gz’ & ‘ks’ swnds as in ‘tax’ 4 *‘tacks’. 5g. ‘z’ 4 d *’sh’
sounds in *’shush’ (‘zz’) & d *‘zh’ swnd in ‘azr’ (*’azure’).

4 dos in adizn t or insted v the ‘bv, us:
6a. 4 wrds wen ‘lon: ‘a’ 4 articl ‘a’, ‘b’ 4 *’be’ (bt ‘biiq’ 4
*’being’), ‘d’ 4 *‘the’, ‘i’ 4 pronwn *’I’, *’aye’ & *’eye’ (‘i’s’ 4
*’eyes’ bt ‘ybol’ 4 *‘eyeball’), ‘m’ 4 *’am’, ‘n’ 4 *’an’, ‘r’ 4
*’are’ (bt ‘arnt’ 4 *’aren’t’) & *’our’, ‘s’ 4 *‘us’, ‘t’ 4 *’to’, ‘u’
4 *’you’, ‘v’ 4 ‘of’, ‘y’ 4 *’why’. 6b. numr’ls 4 nmbrs t a mily’n,
onli speld owt t ‘void frod, sk as ‘wn’ for *’one’, & in/4 wrds as ‘1’
in ‘1s’ (*’once’), ‘2’ in ‘in2’ (*’into’) & 4 *'too', ‘4’ in ‘bi4’
(*’before’) & 4 *'for', & ‘8’ in ‘l8r’ (*’later’). 6c. ‘&’ 4 *’and’,
‘%’ 4 *’percent’, ‘$’ 4 *’dollar’ & ‘+’ 4 *’plus’.
4 sel-fon SMS txtq, d foloiq me b usd in hol or in part, adiznl
t or insted v d ‘bv:

7a. d simbls: ‘?’ 4 *’question’, ‘=’ 4 *’equal’, ‘@’ 4 ‘at’, ‘^’ 4
‘up’, ‘#’ 4 *‘pound’, ‘*’ 4 ‘star’, ‘<’ 4 *‘back’, ‘>’ 4 *‘ahead’,
‘w/o’ 4 *‘without’, olso smylis lyk ‘:-(‘ 4 ‘sad’, *‘happy’ as ‘:-)’,
& acr’nims lyk ‘imo’ 4 *‘in my opinion’. 7b. omizn v capitls, dinotd
if disyrd, by piri’ds b4 dr lo’r-ces cwntrparts (‘.god’ 4 ‘God’).
4 clerificezn, if contxt is ins’fiznt, d foloiq me b usd in hol
or in part, adiznl t or insted v d ‘bv:

8a. d vwl simbls: ‘é’ or ‘ei’ in *’veil’, ‘ï’ or ‘ii’ as *’ee’ in
*’feel’, ‘µ’ or ‘iu’ as *‘ue’ in *’cue’, ’ó’ or ‘o’’ as *’o’ in
*’note’, ‘ö’ or ‘o;’ as *’aw’ in *’saw’, ‘ú’ or ‘u’’ as *’oo’ in
*’ooze’. 8b. d consnnt simbls: ‘ð‘ or ‘dh’ in *’dhal’, ‘ß’ or ‘s;’ as
*’zz’ in *’buzz’, ‘þ’ or ‘th’ in *’thin’, ‘z;’ as *’ge’ in *’beige’.
8c. stresd vwls t b capit’lysd aftr a wrds 1st sil’bl.

Spell sounds spoken in General American (GA) English per the
simplest/shortest denotation used by the Merriam-Webster (MW)
dictionary, per the following rules, tho not for proper names. (*)
denotes Traditional Spelling (TS) unlike Qicryt’s.

For those sounds considered long or diphthongs, use:
1a. ‘e’ as in ‘cafe’. 1b. ‘i’ as in ‘taxi’. 1c. ‘i’ also, as in
‘ion’, but just initially before vowels always shown, ‘y’ used
otherwise as in 'ylm' (*'ylem') & ‘drys’. 1d. ‘o’ as in ‘go’. 1e.
‘u’ as in ‘tun’ (*’tune’) and *‘yoo’ sounds as in ‘us’ (*’use’), ends
as in ‘nu’ (*’knew’). 1f. ‘oi’ as in ‘boil’. 1g. ‘ow’ as in ‘owl’ if
initial, but only its ‘w’ elsewhere as in ‘acwnt’ (*’account’) and
‘twr’ (*’tower’).

For those short or modified by the sound of ‘r’, use:
2a. ‘a’ as in 'bat' and ‘axnt’ (*‘accent’). 2b. ‘e’ as in ‘bet’, but
omit it everywhere before ‘x’ as in ‘txt’ (*’text’). 2c. ‘i’ in
'bit', but omit it if initial before ‘x’ (‘xist’ for ‘i’ sounding ‘e’
in *‘exist’, tho ‘fix’), but use it before ‘q’ after vowels as in
‘goiq’ (*’going’) and ‘distroiiq’ (*’destroying’) tho not after vowels
‘w’, ‘y’ (‘bwq’ for *’bowing’) or consonants as in ‘pikq’ (*’picking’)
except ‘w’, ‘y’ (‘wiq’ for *’wing’) and in roots (’stiq’ for
*’sting’). 2d. ‘o’ as in ‘dog’, ‘ol’ (*‘all’), ‘cot’, with ’a’ at
root ends (‘spa’). 2e. ‘u’ as in 'put' & for *‘yur’ sounds as in
‘pur’ (*’pure’). 2f. ‘ar’ as in ‘art’. 2g. ‘er’ for the sounds in
*‘merry’, *‘marry’ (‘meri’) and *’mare’ (‘mer’). 2h. ‘ir’ as in ‘hir’
(*’hear’). 2i. ‘or’ as in ‘orb’.
For those schwa or *‘uh’ sounds, use:
3a. ‘ (an apostrophe) if an indication is needed to define the sound,
as ‘fr’m’ vs ‘frm’ (*’from’ vs *’firm’), with quotation marks used for
capitals and brackets for quotations. 3b. no symbols if *‘uh’ sounds
can be possibly construed or implied without them, as in ‘sstnnss’

For those with single symbols and sounds, use:
4a. ‘b’ as in 'bib'; ‘c’ in ‘critic’; ‘f’ in ‘fl’f’ (*'fluff'); ‘g’ in
'gag'; ‘h’ in 'he'; ‘j’ in ‘jj’ (*'judge'); ‘k’ as in
‘krk’(*’church’); ‘l’ in ‘ll’ (*'lull'); ‘m’ in ‘mm’ (*'mum'); ‘n’ in
‘nn’ (*'nun'); ‘p’ in 'pip'; ‘r’ in ‘rir’ (*'rear'); ‘v’ in ‘valv’

For those with multiple spellings and/or sounds, use:
5a. ‘d’ as in 'did' and for past tenses as in ‘stopd’ (*’stopped’),
and as *‘th’ in *'then' (‘den’). 5b. ‘q’ as *‘qu’ in *’quick’ (‘qic’)
only initially, ‘cw’ used after as in ‘icwip’ (*’equip’), also ‘q’ for
*‘ng’, thereby ‘siq’ (*'sing'), ’siql’ (*’single’) or ‘am’q’
(*’among’), but ‘n’ before ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘x’ or ‘z’ as in ‘anz’s’
(*‘anxious’). 5c. ‘s’ in 'sets' and ‘is’. 5d. ‘t’ in 'tot' and as
*‘th’ in *'thick' (‘tic’). 5e. ‘w’ in 'wed' and for *‘wh’ in *'whet’
(‘wet’); ‘y’ in ‘yoyo’ always initial in syllables; both ‘w’ and ‘y’
before vowels always shown, as in ‘swiq’ (*’swing’) and ‘mily’n’
(*‘million’), except for ‘w’ if initial or after a vowel in a root
before a construable *’uh’ sound as in ‘wr’ (*’were’), but use ‘yr’
for *’your’. 5f. ‘x’ for ‘gz’ and ‘ks’ sounds as in ‘tax’ for
*‘tacks’. 5g. ‘z’ for the *’sh’ sounds in *’shush’ (‘zz’) and the
*‘zh’ sound in ‘azr’ (*’azure’).

For those in addition to or instead of the above, use:
6a. for words when alone: ‘a’ for article ‘a’, ‘b’ for *’be’ (but
‘biiq’ for *’being’), ‘d’ for *‘the’, ‘i’ for pronoun *’I’, *’aye’ and
*’eye’ (‘i’s’ for *’eyes’ but ‘ybol’ for *‘eyeball’), ‘m’ for *’am’,
‘n’ for *’an’, ‘r’ for *’are’ (but ‘arnt’ for *’aren’t’) and *’our’,
‘s’ for ‘us’, ‘t’ for *’to’, ‘u’ for *’you’, ‘v’ for ‘of’, ‘y’ for
*’why’. 6b. numerals for numbers to a million, only spelled to avoid
fraud, such as ‘wn’ for *’one’, and in/for words as ‘1’ in ‘1s’
(*’once’), ‘2’ in ‘in2’ (*’into’) and for *'too’, ‘4’ in ‘bi4’
(*’before’) and for *'for', and ‘8’ in ‘l8r’ (*’later’). 6c. ‘&’ for
*’and’, ‘%’ for *’percent’, ‘$’ for *’dollar’ and ‘+’ for *’plus’.
For cell-phone SMS texting, the following may be used in whole
or in part, additional to or instead of the above:

7a. the symbols: '?’ for *’question’, ‘=’ for *’equal’, ‘@’ for ‘at’,
‘^’ for ‘up’, ‘#’ for *‘pound’, ‘*’ for ‘star’, ‘<’ for *‘back’, ‘>’
for *‘ahead’, ‘w/o’ for *‘without’, also smileys like ‘:-(‘ for ‘sad’,
*‘happy’ as ‘:-)’, and acronyms like ‘imo’ for *‘in my opinion’. 7b.
omission of capitals, denoted if desired, by periods before their
lower-case counterparts (‘.god’ for ‘God’).

For clarification, if context is insufficient, the following may
be used in whole or in part, additional to or instead of the above:
8a. the vowel symbols: ‘é’ or ‘ei’ in *’veil’, ‘ï’ or ‘ii’ as *’ee’ in
*’feel’, ‘µ’ or ‘iu’ as *‘ue’ in *’cue’, ’ó’ or ‘o’’ as *’o’ in
*’note’, ‘ö’ or ‘o;’ as *’aw’ in *’saw’, ‘ú’ or ‘u’’ as *’u’ in
*’flute’. 8b. the consonant symbols: ‘ð‘ or ‘dh’ in *’dhal’, ‘ß’ or
‘s;’ as *’zz’ in *’buzz’, ‘þ’ or ‘th’ in *’thin’, ‘z;’ as *’ge’ in
*’beige’. 8c. stressed vowels to be capitalized after a word’s first

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for your description of QicRyt, Steve. However I do wish you had let me see it first before you put it out. You made some mistakes (such as the use of the letter 'k', which is used only for the 'ch' sound) I could've corrected..