Saturday, February 21, 2009

70% of the public supports some spelling reform

Are these the kind of updates
that 70% of the public support?

According to the survey sponsored by the Spelling Society,
70% of the general public favors tidying up English or at least
fixing about 100 words.

Q2. Would you support updating one hundred
or so words in the English spelling system?

Over 69% said yes.

The study can be found at

SB:  Now we need to get more specific.
Which words  need to be fixed?

Identifying the words in need of respelling has long been the
activity of the spelling society.  Better spellings was a significant
topic of disucssion at the quarterly meetings in the beginning.
(circa 1908) 

In an earlier decade, spelling reformers identified this list of
words most in need of respelling. 

The two proposed minimal change reforms, HS and RV would eliminate 98%
of these silly spellings.  

Not sure if  over 50% of TS  adepts want to have f = /f/. Fillis has a foto fone

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